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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pot-bellied \Pot"-bel`lied\, a. Having a protuberant belly, like the bottom of a pot.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also potbellied, 1650s, from pot (n.1) + bellied. As a type of stove from 1973.

Usage examples of "pot-bellied".

The chelas formed a circle around Grim and the old guru, excluding us three and the woman, who took me by the arm and fairly drove Chullunder Ghose along in front of her, he arguing like a pot-bellied bunnia who has lost a lawsuit.

A pot-bellied boy of perhaps four or five, his face painted with thick bands of the scarlet vegetable dye urucu, had slipped out from his hiding place and come to peer at the trespassers, fearless in his curiosity.

Croughton the pot-bellied potman bowed and departed, closing the cell door behind him.

While she took a seat on the bench near the table in the center of the bunkhouse, Stubs stoked the fire in the pot-bellied stove.

A third picture showed the pot-bellied man with a younger fellow, both of them carrying fishing rods and displaying bite-sized fish.

His last vivid recollection was of a little stooped pot-bellied figure in a gray life jacket and wet khakis, clinging to the engine telegraph, the bristly face green and twisted with fear.

Imagine sharing this space with 1,600 other similarly dashing craft, most of them in the control of some pot-bellied urban halfwit with next to no experience of powered craft, plus all the floating jetsam of rowboats, kayaks, pedalos and the like and it is a wonder that there aren't bodies all over the water.

Through bleary eyes, I looked down and saw the image of Rat Fink, the pot-bellied, deviant rodent who had been a drag racing mascot in the late sixties.

Then Sawatzki decides it's done and sets up a double row of pot-bellied two-quart bottles.

I've had all of this army and all of these officers, this damned Hooker and this goddamned idiot Meade, all of them, the whole bloody lousy rotten mess of sick-brained pot-bellied scabheads that aint fit to lead a johnny detail, aint fit to pour pee outen a boot with instructions on the heel.

He threw the disappointed ticket holder a brief wave, stepped into the wheelhouse, and closed the door, happy to return to the warmth of the pot-bellied stove beside the big steering helm.

He looked like an animated wad of dough, short, pot-bellied, wearing a ridiculous silver-gray toupe that never seemed to sit right on his head.

The men's division, more used now than before the warby pot-bellied business men who looked at trim soldiers and got a yen to streamline themselveshad the crisp, neat look of a hospital laboratory.

They saw old fire engines and pot-bellied stoves, cast-iron wash tubs and outdoor pumps, high-button shoes and whalebone corsets.