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a. After, or as a result of, a trauma.


Usage examples of "posttraumatic".

Fifty percent of his disability was posttraumatic stress disorder, and the pressures of the city kept him jumpy all the time.

This posttraumatic confusion was understandable and was soon sorted out.

We had posttraumatic shock sessions with Gordon Turnbull, which lasted only a few minutes each.

Gordon Turnbull held a session specially for them, explaining in particular the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.

He calmed down enough to say Linda had posttraumatic stress syndrome from her combat missions in the Gulf War.

Green had been committed here around the time of Election Day, plagued by psychological troubles - posttraumatic stress from the Pentagon Towers bloodbath.

Intra-cranial pressure builds up and part of the brain starts to atrophy, resulting in posttraumatic epilepsy.

The data also indicated that the condition itself was much more similar to posttraumatic stress disorder than to the other severe personality disorders.

On the other hand, if it was a variation of posttraumatic stress, then many types of therapy, including short-term behavioral technique sould effect a cure.

The part about how some of us are starting to think that the label of borderline personality disorder or posttraumatic stress makes no difference.

Doc had no power to control the fits of complete disorientation, which were the result of posttraumatic shock from the time leaps he had been forced to take.

PTSD was the acronym the military doctors had assigned to it-for posttraumatic stress disorder.

But is it merely coincidence that they are now engaged in a study of posttraumatic stress in veterans and that Dr.

Because our intercept of CDC project listings contains no such posttraumatic stress project.

I collapse in slight posttraumatic shock and Venetia starts feeling my abdomen.