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a. Relating to the period following surgery.

Usage examples of "postsurgical".

It’s tough, not being able to tell the difference between your own thoughts and a postsurgical identity prosthesis.

It’s crude conditioning: reward behavior indicative of recovery, punish behavior that reinforces the postsurgical fugue.

Alone to work out our grief and rage as the postsurgical fugue slowly dissipates.

Lola had even taken over dealing with Uncle Yank’s macular degeneration and postsurgical care for his broken hip.

Consequently, Abramowitz had been forced to stay in postsurgical recovery for almost a day after Stevens and Hawkins had been discharged to bed rest in their quarters.

I don’t want to risk any postsurgical complications if they can be prevented.

The editors shifted uncomfortably on their seats, whether from irritation, boredom, or low-grade postsurgical pain, Carl could not tell.