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n. (plural of posthouse English)

Usage examples of "posthouses".

Not of the lightness of those big hands as he'd taught her to drive Prince Cerdic's carriage nor those evenings they'd spent at the posthouses along the road from Kymil to Angelshand, drinking ale and talking.

He looked down, turning the remains of the drugged coffee in his big hands, staring down into the dregs as he had once studied tea‑leaves in the posthouses to buy them supper.

When-free from soldiers, wagons, and the filthy traces of a camp he saw villages with peasants and peasant women, gentlemen's country houses, fields where cattle were grazing, posthouses with stationmasters asleep in them, he rejoiced as though seeing all this for the first time.

They thundered down to the sea inlet as fast as the posthouses could supply their urgent demand for remounts.

After leaving Marianstat, they stopped briefly at posthouses and inns along the valley road.