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positive identification

n. evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance; "a system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people"

Usage examples of "positive identification".

It would have been nice to have the DNA for positive identification, just in case they needed it.

Call me the instant you get positive identification on those bodies.

Next an eye scan is performed, providing for positive identification by recording the pattern of blood vessels in the retina, at the back of the eye, and comparing it with the person's pattern as stored in the CONFIRM database.

The police would probably have been surprised if Katherine had made a positive identification of anybody they rounded up.

If they needed a tail number or other such positive identification, they could close in more--Vincenti had flown as close as ten meters to another plane, in total darkness, without the other plane ever knowing he was there-but normally they would stay within fifty to one hundred meters of the target and shadow him while the brass on the ground figured out what to do.

We will not offer to introduce it in evidence at this time, because that offer should properly come after positive identification is made as to this being the gun that was found in the cabin of the yacht, the _Cap's Eyes_.

Or, barring that, you can call the medical examiner's office in San Francisco and confirm that they have, in fact, made a positive identification.

He had only met Hugh of Cherbourg once and could hardly be called upon to make a positive identification, but if the corpse was not the Marquis to the life, the face was his in death.