Posidippus of Pella ( Poseidippos; c. 310 – c. 240 BC) was an Ancient Greek epigrammatic poet.
Posidippus (comic poet)
For the epigrammatic poet, see Posidippus.
Posidippus of Cassandreia ( Greek: Ποσείδιππος ὁ Κασσανδρεύς, Poseidippos; 316 – c. 250 BC) was a Greek comic poet of the New Comedy.
Posidippus (disambiguation)
Posidippus, Poseidippus ( Poseidippos) may refer to:
- Posidippus of Pella (c. 310 BC – c. 240 BC), epigrammatic poet
- Posidippus (comic poet) (316 BC – c. 250 BC), poet of New Comedy
- Poseidippus historian on Cnidus (perhaps the epigrammatist)
- Poseidippos of Pella priest of Persephone (perhaps the epigrammatist)Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek Secret Cults
Page 215 By Michael B. Cosmopoulos ISBN 0-415-24873-6
- Poseidippos son of Eupolis from Miletos, city president( stephanophoros) honouring Selecus I Nikator