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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Portion \Por"tion\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Portioned; p. pr. & vb. n. Portioning.]

  1. To separate or divide into portions or shares; to parcel; to distribute.

    And portion to his tribes the wide domain.

  2. To endow with a portion or inheritance.

    Him portioned maids, apprenticed orphans, blest.


vb. (present participle of portion English)

Usage examples of "portioning".

They work hand in bloody hand to carve up the bounty of Lescar like poachers portioning out a stricken doe.

Suppertime on a winter's Friday night, and Granny portioning out the sweet while Mum dished up savory haddock and fried potatoes.

He will especially represent the prince during the siege, and from his knowledge of the methods of defence at Haarlem, of the arrangements for portioning out the food and other matters, he will be able to give you valuable advice and assistance.

She and Karen sat at the kitchen table, both dressed, portioning out the pizza I had just heard being delivered.

Generations live within a single lodge, sometimes as many as four if the gods are generous in portioning out our lives.