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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Porticoed \Por"ti*coed\, a. Furnished with a portico.


a. (context of a building English) That includes a portico.


adj. marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure [syn: amphiprostylar, amphiprostyle, amphistylar]

Usage examples of "porticoed".

Consequently Pengelly came out on the shady side of the place where a porticoed building cast a sombre shadow on the pavement.

From the top of it, they were looking out and down, across meadows and woods, at a tidy little town a couple of miles distant—neat brick business buildings, pillared or porticoed residences and some rectitudinously tall and sharp church steeples—all clustered rather close together, considering how much empty land lay about.