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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Porphyry \Por"phy*ry\, n.; pl. Porphyries. [F. porphyre, L. porphyrites, fr. Gr. ? like purple, fr. ? purple. See Purple.] (Geol.) A term used somewhat loosely to designate a rock consisting of a fine-grained base (usually feldspathic) through which crystals, as of feldspar or quartz, are disseminated. There are red, purple, and green varieties, which are highly esteemed as marbles.

Porphyry shell (Zo["o]l.), a handsome marine gastropod shell ( Oliva porphyria), having a dark red or brown polished surface, marked with light spots, like porphyry.


n. (plural of porphyry English)

Usage examples of "porphyries".

Sophia, enumerates the colors, the shades, and the spots of ten or twelve marbles, jaspers, and porphyries, which nature had profusely diversified, and which were blended and contrasted as it were by a skilful painter.