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populated area

n. a geographical area constituting a city or town [syn: urban area] [ant: country]

Usage examples of "populated area".

Because all of the population of Maugham's Station was concentrated in the 350,000 square kilometers called Ammon, with most of the rest of the planet interdicted, the government didn't bother to maintain a world-spanning satellite network, and the planet's single geosync landsat was focused on the populated area.

A night intercept, over a heavily populated area, with dangerous fugitives and someone like Cazaux on board.

In a sparsely populated area known as Lourdes, just southeast of Havana, Soviet technicians continued work on one of the largest eavesdropping bases ever built.

They were in a heavily populated area of Orion, and the sky was filled with great clouds of stars.

A weapon that could be fired or released silently, unobtrusively from a restricted, densely populated area, its effect delayed long enough for the killer to reposition himself and make a clean escape.