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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Popularize \Pop"u*lar*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Popularized; p. pr. & vb. n. Popularizing.] [Cf. F. populariser.] To make popular; to make suitable or acceptable to the common people; to make generally known; as, to popularize philosophy. ``The popularizing of religious teaching.''


vb. (present participle of popularize English)

Usage examples of "popularizing".

Similarly, in The Manchurian Candidate, one of scores of Hollywood movies popularizing lies about McCarthy, the McCarthy figure chooses fifty-seven as the number of Communists in the government after seeing it on a bottle of Heinz ketchup.

These programmes that I have been speaking of were of no great value in themselves, but I have mentioned them because of the ideas they aroused in myself and some others about the possibilities of the radio as a means of popularizing poetry.

It will be seen that I have been speaking as though the whole subject of poetry were embarrassing, almost indecent, as though popularizing poetry were essentially a strategic manoeuvre, like getting a dose of medicine down a child's throat or establishing tolerance for a persecuted sect.

To a certain extent, popularizing poetry is a question of breaking down an acquired inhibition.

Only partly for this reason, most scientists, I think, are now comfortable with the idea of popularizing science.

Every student of American history knows the part he played there in popularizing the American Revolution, until France aided us with her money and her navy.

Practically all of the material they cited had been available before, but—apart from the more sensational items that the media had been popularizing since Athena appeared—fragmented among specialized journals and for the most part obscure.

Practically all of the material they cited had been available before, but-apart from the more sensational items that the media had been popularizing since Athena ­appeared-­fragmented among specialized journals and for the most part obscure.