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popped off

vb. (en-pastpop off)

Usage examples of "popped off".

Pete spun the tuner, and the picture popped off and on as the receiver caught different stations.

With a clatter, the bottle rolled down into the slot, and he deftly popped off the top.

Seeing myself in a cell next to Fud, the Meeks boys playing pinochle sideways through the bars, I popped off another shot, the hammer clicking on an empty chamber.

Back to the house and an outside circuit box--switches tapped until the lights popped off.

Stoica rolled wings-level just as he felt a rumble through the aircraft as the weapon pylons popped off.

She was suddenly aware that her blouse had come untucked, that some of the buttons had popped off, and that she wasn't wearing a bra .

I edged a thumbnail under its head and it popped off into my hand, round as a pebble and heavv,%vith blood.