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n. (plural of popinjay English)


Popinjays were a British indie pop band, active between 1988 and 1994, the majority of whose records were released on the One Little Indian Records label in the UK, and Epic/One Little Indian in the US.

Usage examples of "popinjays".

Then there were stuffed birds, popinjays, and maggot-pies and kingfishers, and peacocks with all their feathers but two, and tiny birds like beetles, and a reputed phoenix which smelt of incense and cinnamon.

Roanna had learned much of court fashion when she’d spent an entire morning spying on the popinjays who sought audience with Queen Regent Marie de Guise.

But then Elizabeth often drifted off into Welsh, German, or Italian as well just to keep the flock of popinjays around her off-balance.

Were you to metamorphose into one of those strutting, supercilious popinjays mat seem to abound in the capital, and sometimes deign to come out to Goohm.

Were you to metamorphose into one of those strutting, supercilious popinjays that seem to abound in the capital, and sometimes deign to come out to Goohm, I might be some loath to admit I know you.