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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Pope's eye

Pope \Pope\ (p[=o]p), n. [AS. p[=a]pa, L. papa father, bishop. Cf. Papa, Papal.]

  1. Any ecclesiastic, esp. a bishop. [Obs.]

  2. The bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church. See Note under Cardinal.

  3. A parish priest, or a chaplain, of the Greek Church.

  4. (Zo["o]l.) A fish; the ruff.

    Pope Joan, a game at cards played on a round board with compartments.

    Pope's eye, the gland surrounded with fat in the middle of the thigh of an ox or sheep.
    --R. D. Blackmore.

    Pope's nose, the rump, or uropygium, of a bird. See Uropygium.

    to be more Catholic than the Pope to adhere more stringently to Roman Catholic practices and doctrine than is required by church doctrine; -- usually used in a negative sense to mean, to be excessively pious.

pope's eye

n. The gland surrounded with fat in the middle of the thigh of an ox or sheep.

Pope's Eye

The Pope's Eye is the uncompleted foundation for an island fort intended to defend the entrance to Port Phillip in the state of Victoria, Australia. The undefined area of the fort, generally assessed at , is one of six separate areas that comprise the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park and is a popular site for divers.