Crossword clues for poorish
a. reasonably poor, quite poor.
Usage examples of "poorish".
So he adopted the sound scheme of writing poorish Latin on a fine bit of jade, in the hope that sooner or later it would come into the hands of some one who could construe it and give his friends news of his fate.
The land hereabouts is but poorish, after all, and we settled on it more for the sake of the water-carriage than for the quality of the land.
Actually it was a poorish excuse, because taking his delayed departure from the school together with the extra journey he could have changed three wheels in the time.
The Celts have never had the art of building, and so far as I can see, such towns as Towy and Merthyr Tegveth and Meiros must have been always much as they are now, clusters of poorish, meanly built houses, ill kept and down at heel.