Usage examples of "ponto".
Encontrou a cerca de arame farpado cortada no ponto por onde abriram passagem para entrar e sair da fazenda.
Tinha levado Josias comigo e ele me ajudou a marcar cada ponto com tocos de madeira.
Capitu deixassem de crescer para mim, a tal ponto que as fizeram esquecer de todo.
Eram os mais belos da noite, a ponto que me encheram de desvane acontecimento.
Neste ponto do discurso, deixei-o falar sozinho e peguei a cismar comigo.
O incesto foi cometido, dentro do ponto de vista social, moral e legal.
Finding our new acquaintance so civil and obliging, we naturally informed him of our intention to proceed next morning to Ponto del Gada, the principal town in St.
Looking towards the former, we beheld our own fleet bearing down majestically upon Ponto del Gada, and fast approaching the anchorage.
The principal streets of Ponto del Gada are paved, and kept once cool and clean by a.
I would like to hear the story of the lady whom Ponto and herself had been talking of?
She screams and cries continually, and upbraids her former husband, together with old Ponto, for keeping her from that heaven.
She calls Ponto an imp of the devil, and that out of revenge for his merited whippings, he and his rightful master are determined to drag her down to hell, for which reason she struggles and beats them off.
Poor Ponto is doing all he can to enlighten her, and so is her former husband.
He preferred to live with Ponto, for being weak of mind and purposeless, lie has not been able to erect a home for himself.
You heard Ponto repeat what she said about hating her husband, and that she had always disliked him.