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ponderosa pine

n. common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of 2 to 5 and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature [syn: ponderosa, western yellow pine, bull pine, Pinus ponderosa]

Usage examples of "ponderosa pine".

Above the meadow the road became something less than a jeep trail as it switched back and forth through stands of ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, and occasional aspen groves.

A narrow steel footbridge crossed the ravine to a clearing and a log cabin hidden among towering ponderosa pine and incense cedar.

The arrow flashed out towards a target Havel and Hutton had rigged from poles and mounted on a stout Ponderosa pine.

A grove of ponderosa pine and fine old cottonwoods let her know she was nearing the end of her journey.

But she had already closed the door, and he stood alone on the porch, looking out across the acres of ponderosa pine at the rocky crags of the ridge on the other side of town.

He looked around and spotted a fallen ponderosa pine a few yards off the trail, tugging at the bridle and pulling the stubborn animal after him.

The flagpole was made out of a whole old-growth Ponderosa pine, and the flag with the Tartessian mountain in silver on green looked absurdly small at its top.

The property was mostly covered with western juniper, Ponderosa pine, and sugar pine, and their nearest neighbor was far beyond sight.

They hiked through the shadows of Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine, pine pitch tartly scenting the still morning air.

Koehler further determined that eight of the rungs made of ponderosa pine had been cut from a single board and planed by a defective tool that left characteristic marks on the wood.

It was sitting in the middle of her mother's solid ponderosa pine coffee table.