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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ponderable \Pon"der*a*ble\, a. [L. ponderabilis: cf. F. pond['e]rable.] Capable of being weighed; having appreciable weight. -- Pon"der*a*ble*ness, n.


a. 1 (context physics English) Having a detectable amount of matter; having a measurable mass. 2 Worthy of note; significant, interesting.

  1. adj. capable of being weighed or considered; "something ponderable from the outer world--something of which we can say that its weight is so and so"- James Jeans [ant: imponderable]

  2. possible to ponder; "space flight to other galaxies becomes more cogitable" [syn: cogitable]

Usage examples of "ponderable".

The fact that the existence of this state of ponderable matter was quite unknown up to such a relatively recent date has been completely forgotten to-day.

We, on the contrary, are led to recognize in heat a fourth condition into which matter may pass on leaving the three ponderable conditions, and out of which it may emerge on the way to ponderability.

It could be said that to assume a continuation of the sequence of the three ponderable conditions in the manner suggested is justified only if, as solids can be turned into liquids and these into gases, so gases could be transformed into a fourth condition and, conversely, be produced from the latter.

What may apply within limits to phosphorus is wholly valid for the trace-elements - namely, that they are playing their essential role while they are themselves about to assume ponderable form.

For there is the well-known fact of the presence of phosphorus in conspicuous quantities in snow without a source being traceable in the atmosphere whence this substance can have originated in ponderable condition.

Her aim was to examine the behaviour of matter on the way to and beyond the boundary of its ponderable existence.

In other words, where does nature show levity concentrated in a limited part of space - that is, in a condition characteristic of ponderable matter?

What else could be concluded from the apparent unchangeability of weight throughout all the chemical happenings in nature than that the ponderable world-content was of eternal duration?

Just as in the latter we observe levity taking hold of ponderable matter and moving it in a direction opposite to the pull of gravity, so in crystallization we see imponderable matter passing over from levity into gravity.

Far from being an accumulation of ponderable matter in a state of extremely high temperature, as science supposes, the sun represents the very opposite of ponderability.

On the contrary, the similarity should tell us that imponderable substance, while on its way between sun and earth to ponderable existence, assumes, at the point of transition, aspects exactly like those revealed by ponderable substance at the corresponding point in its upward transformation.

Thus, in a regular rhythm, the air comes near the border of its ponderable existence.

It could be said that to assume a continuation of the sequence of the three ponderable conditions in the manner suggested is justified only if, as solids can be turned into liquids and these into gases, so gases could be transformed into a fourth condition and, conversely, be produced from the latter.

Read as a letter in nature's script, this fact tells us that precious stones with their flame-like colours are characterized by having kept something of the nature that was theirs before they coalesced into ponderable existence.

Trained by Dalton, the founder of the atomic theory, in experimental research, he continued Rumford's and Davy's researches which they had undertaken to prove that heat is not, as it was for a time believed to be, a ponderable substance, but an imponderable agent.