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adv. In a pompous manner.


adv. in a pompous manner; "he pompously described his achievements"

Usage examples of "pompously".

She respected her father inflexible, much more than her father pompously giving up to Mr.

It had not been entirely by way of pompously spending his money that Mr.

That paltry place, which, to round a sentence, was pompously styled the ancient Joppa, held out only to the 6th of March, when it was taken by storm, and given up to pillage.

I was ushered into a little drawing-room, eighteen feet by twelve, as I was afterwards somewhat pompously informed.

And, clad in his new raiment, Walter Skinner sat back in his chair and gazed pompously around.

With this farewell he rode pompously out of the yard and slowly down the hill street to the river, and so passed out of the town.

When Mac inquired whether he knew his daughter, or had any idea where she might be, Peabody introduced himself in such a way that the Scotsman felt he was supposed to know who he was, and then proceeded to pass on what scant information he had and to give his opinion in a pompously forceful manner.

Previously he had always niggled, been sarcastic, been pompously self-righteous, huffed and puffed a bit.

He would have read the Dutch papers, which announced pompously that Divisional Commissaire Whosit was in charge of the Mystery Slaying.

I paid no attention to the splendid entrance through the gate of the polar trees, which is by mistake pompously called of the people, or to the beautiful square of the same name, or to the portals of the magnificent churches, or to all the stately buildings which generally strike the traveller as he enters the city.

Sir Oldgram, for such was he titled in the barbarous land whence he originated, invented what he pompously called the Law of Gravity, thereby arrogating to himself, before his time and without reason, an honor which is properly mine.

He sent round prospectuses to his friends whenever he took a new trade, and ordered a new brass plate for the door, and talked pompously about making his fortune still.