Polyalthia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Annonaceae. There are over 100 species distributed from Africa to Asia and the Pacific. These are trees and shrubs. The flower has six petals in two whorls, the inner petals curving inward over the center.
This large genus is polyphyletic; species are frequently separated and reassigned to other genera.
Species include:
- Polyalthia angustissima Ridl.
- Polyalthia cerasoides (Roxb.) Bedd.
- Polyalthia chrysotricha Ridley
- Polyalthia coffeoides ( Hook.f. & Th.)
- Polyalthia elmeri Merr.
- Polyalthia fragrans (Dalz.) Bedd.
- Polyalthia glabra (Hook.f. & Th.) James Sincl.
- Polyalthia hirtifolia Sincl.
- Polyalthia hookeriana King
- Polyalthia hypogaea King
- Polyalthia korinti (Dunal) Benth. & J. Hk. ex J. Hk. & Thoms
- Polyalthia laddiana A.C.Sm.
- Polyalthia lancilimba C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- Polyalthia lateritia J.Sincl.
- Polyalthia litseifolia C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- Polyalthia longifolia
- Polyalthia macropoda King
- Polyalthia nitidissima
- Polyalthia pachyphylla King
- Polyalthia palawanensis Merr.
- Polyalthia pingpienensis P.T.Li
- Polyalthia rufescens Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia shendurunii Basha & Sasi.
- Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li