n. a sphere of intense political activity [syn: political sphere]
Usage examples of "political arena".
Their purposes are to have a passive, obedient population of spectators in the political arena, not participants, consumers in the commercial arena, certainly not decision makers and participants, a community of people who are atomized and isolated so they cannot organize to put together their limited resources so as to become an independent and powerful force that will chip away at concentrated power.
But 'fairness' in the tax code has come to mean that we take all the money we can from successful people and dole it back--and, oh, by the way, those rich people hire lawyers and lobbyists who talk to people in the political arena and get a million special exceptions written into the system so that they don't get totally fleeced--and they don't, and we all know that--and what do we end up with?
You owe it to those people to return to the political arena and defend the causes you know are—.
He was a frequent guest in your house, and sponsored your own entry into the political arena.
But corporations are more totalitarian than most institutions we call totalitarian in the political arena.
You owe it to those people to return to the political arena and defend the causes you know are-“.
You owe it to those people to return to the political arena and defend the causes you know are&mdash.
Now I want to see what I can do planetside in the political arena.