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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Polite \Po*lite"\, a. [Compar. Politer; superl. Politest.] [L. politus, p. p. of polire to polish: cf. F. poli. See Polish, v.]

  1. Smooth; polished. [Obs.]

    Rays of light falling on a polite surface.
    --Sir I. Newton.

  2. Smooth and refined in behavior or manners; well bred; courteous; complaisant; obliging; civil.

    He marries, bows at court, and grows polite.

  3. Characterized by refinement, or a high degree of finish; as, polite literature.

    Syn: Polished; refined; well bred; courteous; affable; urbane; civil; courtly; elegant; genteel.


a. (en-comparative of: polite) alt. (en-comparative of: polite)

Usage examples of "politer".

It was a perfectly legal discipline, provided its practitioners didn’t tamper with data reserved to a government dept under the McBann-Krutch “greatest-good-of-the-greatest-number” act, but its experts didn’t advertise themselves any more than industrial spies, and it would have been politer to ask whether he was into DDR, “difficult data retrieval.

Blifil, who, besides that he is come of honest parents, and will be one of the greatest squires all hereabouts, he is to be sure, in my poor opinion, a more handsomer and a more politer man by half.