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n. (plural of politeness English)

Usage examples of "politenesses".

Then the usual obligatory introductions and sugary compliments and aggravating politenesses, and over an hour of back and forth, of demands calmly deflected, ponderous arguments, delays requested, astonishment where none was merited, questions needing to be repeated, facts dismissed, the truth disregarded--alibis, explanations, rationalizations, excuses, all courteously delivered.

The Captain-General is not aware of certain politenesses as he is a stranger.

Blackthorne repeated automatically the succession of formal politenesses that Mariko had taught him.

All formalities, most politenesses, every kind of custom that makes life safe and worthy and rounded and bearable has to be thrown away, or maneuvered around, so his household is not safe, it has no wa - no harmony for me.

They seated themselves as protocol dictated and prepared for the interminable politenesses that would go on for an hour.

They exchanged social politenesses, Constantine with more velvet than Pauli, but in less than two minutes they were nodding and moving apart.