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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I didn't want to spill anything on the polished surface of the table.
▪ He levers his feet into a pair of highly polished black calf Oxfords.
▪ A highly polished effort, the graphics are nothing short of amazing.
▪ Well-dressed suckers were pouring out of the upstairs theatre, barrelling down the rickety spiral staircase, skidding on the highly polished floor.
▪ However, what caught my eye most was a highly polished harmonium.
▪ With his highly polished boots and gaiters, corduroy trousers and tweed jacket, he looked the epitome of authority.
▪ The phone slipped from Lucenzo's fingers to the highly polished desk with a clatter.
▪ His is not just a lovingly maintained and highly polished old car.
▪ As Nicholson headed towards it his shoes beat out a tattoo on the polished floor.
▪ Gaggia machines burbled on marble bars, new secretaries clicked across polished floors, uniformed valets twirled glass doors.
▪ Well-dressed suckers were pouring out of the upstairs theatre, barrelling down the rickety spiral staircase, skidding on the highly polished floor.
▪ They may not feel easy at moving fast on a polished floor.
▪ It was big, square room with a polished floor and a high ceiling.
▪ Jessica was standing on the polished floor, beside the polished table, in the elegant and lovely room.
▪ The next task is to give the house a thorough spring-clean, paying particular attention to curtains, carpets and polished floors.
▪ Remembering the visit to the cotton mill, on the other hand, I can see myself watching from the polished floor.
▪ A polished mahogany table, big enough to seat twenty people, ran down the middle of it.
▪ His new passenger carriages were also impressive, with polished mahogany bodies.
▪ Did he take Policemen and Bishops Inspector Spruce placed his notebook on the polished mahogany table and waited.
▪ She ran to the polished mahogany bureau, opened the lid and threw the choker on to a pile of papers.
▪ An ordinary pack; a Tarot pack; she spread them out on the polished mahogany.
▪ Alfred Oliver finally crumbles in a heap behind his polished mahogany counter.
▪ Huy looked at the black polished surface of the table behind which Kenamun stood.
▪ Horizontal sections of enormous redwoods were frequently displayed with single rings identified on the polished surface.
▪ The embalmers may well have been attracted by the waxed and polished surface of the monthly Playmates.
▪ He went across and stood there beside the saddle, smoothing his hand over its finely polished surfaces.
▪ His gaze remained fixed on the polished surface of the table, which dimly reflected the glooms and gleams of the room.
▪ Etching such a polished surface gives a relief which is more subtly fabric selective than etches controlled by an imperfect surface.
▪ These lay down the marvellously patterned and polished surface characteristic of cowries.
▪ Sample preparation Single crystal samples with polished surfaces give the best results.
▪ Anyway, Irene always complained about the way lupins shed their petals all over the polished table.
▪ When she emerged, the wall-lights had been dimmed and the polished table by the french windows had been set for two.
▪ A polished table was in one corner, with dining chairs askew round it.
▪ A long polished table stood in the centre, holding an assortment of bottles, and a tray of glasses.
▪ Jessica was standing on the polished floor, beside the polished table, in the elegant and lovely room.
▪ A long, polished table stood in the centre of the room.
▪ It ran in a red river across the polished table top and cascaded on to her peacock-blue cashmere skirt.
▪ A highly polished table under a mirror, perhaps a bowl of flowers beside it reflecting in the table.
▪ The place was fitted out in dark, polished wood in the style of the twenties.
▪ There was a large table in the centre of the room, made of dark polished wood.
▪ It is in walnut polished wood, bow fronted with bow legs.
▪ The floor was of plain polished wood with islands of Bokhara carpets.
▪ Traditional with polished wood furniture and fine accessories to create a feeling of opulence.
▪ Rosie at once scrambled to her feet, the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors.
▪ A couple of very good oriental rugs were pools of subdued colour on the polished wood floor.
polished manners
▪ a polished and handsome lawyer
▪ a polished granite counter
▪ a polished oak floor
▪ All their furniture was made of dark red polished wood.
▪ Guillem is a polished ballerina.
▪ Her nails were beautifully shaped and polished.
▪ A woman is more likely to be put off by a polished performer, if that is all he has to offer.
▪ For many teachers therefore written language is equated with literary language, with the polished performance of narrative, drama or poetry.
▪ He levers his feet into a pair of highly polished black calf Oxfords.
▪ His paper-weight and doorstop were of ground and polished foin-stone.
▪ Horizontal sections of enormous redwoods were frequently displayed with single rings identified on the polished surface.
▪ On one edge of the table a cigarette had burned a nice little groove in the polished oak.
▪ The décor was all polished glass tiles and gleaming brass.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Polish \Pol"ish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Polished; p. pr. & vb. n. Polishing.] [F. polir, L. polire. Cf. Polite, -ish]

  1. To make smooth and glossy, usually by friction; to burnish; to overspread with luster; as, to polish glass, marble, metals, etc.

  2. Hence, to refine; to wear off the rudeness, coarseness, or rusticity of; to make elegant and polite; as, to polish life or manners.

    To polish off, to finish completely, as an adversary. [Slang]
    --W. H. Russell.


Polished \Pol"ished\, a. Made smooth and glossy, as by friction; hence, highly finished; refined; polite; as, polished plate; polished manners; polished verse.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "made smooth;" early 15c., "elegant;" past participle adjective from polish (v.).

  1. Made smooth or shiny by polishing. v

  2. (en-past of: polish)

  1. adj. perfected or made shiny and smooth; "his polished prose"; "in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes"; "freshly polished silver" [ant: unpolished]

  2. showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner"; "maintained an urbane tone in his letters" [syn: refined, svelte, urbane]

  3. (of grains especially rice) having the husk or outer layers removed; "polished rice" [syn: milled]

  4. (of lumber or stone) to trim and smooth [syn: dressed]


Polished is a short film directed by Ed Gass-Donnelly, featuring William B. Davis as a lonely aging businessman who yearns for human contact from shoeshiner Karyn Dwyer.

Usage examples of "polished".

He was inclined to sit there for a few minutes with his buttocks cupped in the luxuriously polished wooden annulus of the shite-hole, and to savor this triumph, just as the late Samuel Pepys had taught him to do in the case of urination.

The sun shone down into the great north ballium of the castle of Nimmr, glinting from the polished mail of noble knights and from pike and battle-axe of men-at-arms, picking out the gay colon of the robes of the women gathered in the grandstand below the inner wall.

It became a limbless, barkless spear, polished smooth, hollow-tipped, rising above seas of opposing armies.

On the hill someone had lashed together a crucifix of branches, barkless and polished by the weather.

Besides the accustomed lights, two great wax tapers, called Christmas candles, wreathed with greens, were placed on a highly polished beaufet among the family plate.

Her little letter was very prettily turned, and Bernard, reading it over two or three times, said to himself that, to do her justice, she might very well have polished her intellect a trifle during these two or three years.

These blocks of shadows on the polished wood, like the bodies themselves, remained immobile as the stunned faces attached to those bodies stared in astonishment at the gaunt, bespectacled man who stood behind the President in front of a portable blackboard on which he had drawn numerous diagrams using four different colours of chalk.

The Ktemnoi Sacred Squares were dressed in blue shirts and breeches, with brown boiled-leather jacks for the musketeers and polished steel breastplates for the billmen, set off by orange sashes.

The man was polished and his education was obvious, but at heart there was that brawler James had recognized at once.

Swearing, Breezy jerked her hand up to her face and Cori dove, her weight knocking Breezy backward and sending the gun across the polished teak floor, landing in the fringe of the oriental carpet.

Guards were running through the garden, all converging toward the palace, where the clamor momentarily grew louder-tall men in burnished cuirasses and crested helmets of polished bronze.

The house was bustling with activity, the silver being polished, the Sevres china being washed, flowers being arranged, dozens of last minute tasks being seen to.

With more polished extravaganzas like the Arabian Desert Classic, the future of the Beach is shining.

Murad quickly removed four PhilUps-head screws and pulled out the polished aluminium plate allowing the entrails of the magnetoscope to be examined.

Duppra Mallat half seen inside the chair, a massive form, a curve of cheek, a mound of arm, long and sweeping, the flesh smooth and solid as polished stone.