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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Policeman \Po*lice"man\, n.; pl. Policemen. A member of a body of police; a constable.


n. (en-irregular plural of: policeman)

Policemen (film)

Policemen is a 1995 Italian crime- drama film directed by Giulio Base.

Usage examples of "policemen".

To level with you, Pete, there's a strong possibility some policemen bought a sixpack of beer and stopped in the park on the way home to unwind and talk.

But he realized that all Los Angeles policemen and most American policemen used that as the best of all possible words.

Roscoe was one of those policemen who would sit bored in a radio car in the dark and quiet hours and talk of his incredible sexual encounters in Vietnam or Tijuana and knead and squeeze his genitals until his partners got nauseated.

He had been transferred around the department more than any member of his academy class, had been the subject of many complaints of excessive force from citizens and even from a few police supervisors, who generally do not challenge the techniques of policemen like Roscoe Rules.

Roscoe could not return with Whaddayamean Dean when he went back into the building with some sixteen policemen and began breaking down doors in a vain search for the two hod carriers who had escaped and were not arrested for two weeks.

Homer Tilden led the two policemen to the elevator and up to the twenty-first floor where the young woman sat on the window ledge, of her own office, feet dangling, looking down curiously at the crowd gathering.

Roscoe shouted to a sputtering acned man in a white Cadillac who was honking his horn and yelling as though he thought the policemen could magically sweep away ten tons of scrap metal and let him continue about his business which was to get to a west Hollywood bar before it closed and try to pick up a thirty-five dollar prostitute.

The party spilled out onto the balcony and even extended to the pool where at least a dozen clerks from Wilshire and Rampart and Hollywood stations swam bikini clad while goatish policemen swam naked until the apartment house manager threatened to call the police—the ones with clothes on.

There were many Mexican-American policemen but there were few Japanese-American policemen, even though Los Angeles has the largest Japanese-American population in California.

Many of whom have faced a gun and been slugged and attacked more than a squad of policemen and in fact have a far more physically dangerous occupation.

Like many policemen, he preferred to work nine and ten days straight to string his days off together.

It was for economic reasons more than anything else that he became a faithful choirboy and put up with the younger policemen who gave him such a headache.

The Wilshire policemen knew that he had only been a clerk typist in that army and not a tank commander as he hinted and they often whispered that Captain Drobeck never retreated but backspaced lots of times.

But like any veteran policemen, they could rely on years of experience to trigger signals in deep slumber when 7-A-l was mentioned among the ceaseless garbled almost unintelligible radio messages.

Spermwhale Whalen told her in which restaurant the lieutenant ate on Thursday nights when he could break away from his duties which consisted of signing routine reports and trying to catch policemen loafing in the station when they should be handling their calls.