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Polavision was an instant movie camera system launched by Polaroid in 1977.

Unlike other motion-picture film stock of the time, Polavision generated color using an additive process. It consisted of (essentially) a black-and-white film base and three-color filter layer. In this sense, it was somewhat similar to the much earlier Dufaycolor process.

The Polavision cartridge was a small rectangular box with the film reels self-contained, along with a small lens and prism for projection at an open gate. The film format was similar to the super 8mm format, but unless viewed in a Polavision viewer, the only way that developed films can be viewed was by destroying the cartridge and projecting in a super 8mm projector, a super 8mm telecine system, or other transferring procedures.

The Polavision system was a major commercial failure, and was discontinued in 1979. However, the underlying technology was improved and used as the basis for the Polachrome instant color transparency system in 1983.