n. (context mineralogy English) An opaque, yellow-white mineral with a metallic lustre, having the chemical formula (Pd,(Bi,Pb)).
Polarite (Pd,(Bi,Pb)), is an opaque, yellow-white mineral. Its crystals are orthorhombic pyramidal, but can only be seen through a microscope. It has a metallic luster and leaves a white streak. Polarite is rated 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs Scale.
It was first described in 1969 for an occurrence in Talnakh, Norilsk in the Polar Ural Mountains in Russia. It has also been recorded from the Bushveld igneous complex of South Africa and from Fox Gulch, Goodnews Bay, Alaska.
Usage examples of "polarite".
He reached in the desk and tossed over a pair of green polarite goggles, doubtless taken off a Vixenite casualty.