The Collaborative International Dictionary
Poetize \Po"et*ize\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Poetized; p. pr. & vb. n. Poetizing.] [Cf. F. po['e]tiser.] To write as a poet; to compose verse; to idealize.
I versify the truth, not poetize.
vb. To make poetic.
Usage examples of "poetize".
To argue that because earthly rulers, in their anger and power, send retributive armies against their rebellious subjects, to bring them to judgment, destroy their homes and cities, and lay waste their lands with fire and sword, therefore God, the supreme King, will do so by the whole world, is not to reason logically, but to poetize creatively.
And then Holger the spirit began to poetize, and kept it up, copiously, circumstantially, without pausing for thought, for dear knows how long.
This is why filial love and paternal love have been poetized, why the family is styled holy.
Her head was vividly defined among the flowers which poetized the brown and crumbling sills of her casement windows with their leaded panes.
He was always obliged to go on poetizing, and then everything that came from the man, especially from his heart, was excellent.
Colin and I were thus poetizing it, adoring its outlines and revelling in its tints?
Thomson, in the letter enclosing this song, that he is in a high fit of poetizing, provided he is not cured by the strait-waistcoat of criticism.
Idealization of love in its ultimate fulfillment, the poetizing of the ardent flesh crying out for its craving mate, are characteristically ignored by the Teuton who seeks the baser gratifications without illuminations of loveliness or hesitations of delicate refinement.
Now, since the Hindus and the Pythagoreans held the doctrine as a severe truth, and Plato states it in the identical forms which they employed, and never implies that he is merely poetizing, we naturally conclude that he, too, veritably inculcates it as fact.
When at home, they were chiefly in the studio, he painting, modelling, poetizing perhaps, and she inseparably united with him in all.
It was at this period of her career that she began to type-ize, individualize, synthesize, dramatize, superiorize, analyze, poetize, angelize, neologize, tragedify, prosify, and colossify--you must violate the laws of language to find words to express the newfangled whimsies in which even women here and there indulge.