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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Poetically \Po*et"ic*al*ly\, adv. In a poetic manner.


adv. In a poetic manner.


adv. in a poetic manner; "poetically expressed"

Usage examples of "poetically".

His pre-eminence in the latter faculty gave occasion to some etymologists to ring changes on his name, and to decide that it was derived from Follis Optimus, softened through an Italian medium into Folle Ottimo, contracted poetically into Folleotto, and elided Anglice into Folliott, signifying a firstrate pair of bellows.

Its style is rhetorically and poetically colored, but its construction is strictly narrative.

The bridge which continues the communication of the quays, was first passed, and then he was stealing beneath that far-famed arch which supports a covered gallery leading from the upper story of the palace into that of the prisons, and which, from its being appropriated to the passage of the accused from their cells to the presence of their judges, has been so poetically, and it may be added so pathetically, called the Bridge of Sighs.

I speak poetically, but after a time, ah, after a woman has reached a sort of final maturity, her soul has unfolded like a fireflower and no amount of time can extinguish the flame or attenuate the colors.

Copper-sheathed domes, minarets, poetically winding streets overlooked by ornate balconies riotous with flowering plants.

I was a fiery ram, 'Aspiration' astrologically, 'Trade' poetically, and the strings musically.

It had been so long since Marjorie had been the object of anyone's overt romantic intentions that he had managed to get out most of what he had planned to say, however allusively and poetically, before she realized the tenor of his words.

It had been so long since Marjorie had been the object of anyone’s overt romantic intentions that he had managed to get out most of what he had planned to say, however allusively and poetically, before she realized the tenor of his words.

From the moment we laid her in pseudocoma on that bed my cousin refers to so poetically, our power began to wane .