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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pocket \Pock"et\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pocketed; p. pr. & vb. n. Pocketing.]

  1. To put, or conceal, in the pocket; as, to pocket the change.

    He would pocket the expense of the license.

  2. To take clandestinely or fraudulently.

    He pocketed pay in the names of men who had long been dead.

    To pocket a ball (Billiards), to drive a ball into a pocket of the table.

    To pocket an insult, affront, etc., to receive an affront without open resentment, or without seeking redress. ``I must pocket up these wrongs.''


vb. (present participle of pocket English)

Usage examples of "pocketing".

I expect that you, like me and everybody else in the borough, will be cashing in your share certificate on Monday and pocketing the moolah, before getting on with the tarring and feathering.

Sergey replied, flipping briefly through the paybook before pocketing it.

Closing the door, Mahatma Xanadu crossed the seance room alone, pocketing the money beneath his garish robe.

I see Debray leave here, pocketing the whole of the 500,000 livres you have handed over to him this year, while he smiles to himself, saying that he has found what the most skilful players have never discovered -- that is, a roulette where he wins without playing, and is no loser when he loses.

I thought his advice very considerate, particularly when I saw that all the punters lost, and that the Greek, very calm in the midst of the insulting treatment of those he had duped, was pocketing his money, after handing a share to the officer who had taken an interest in the bank.

Darnell had stiffed her on one load of supplies, reselling it and pocketing the profit himself and blandly denying that any of his drones had been anywhere near SpaceBase I.

He filled half the cellar, a great pulsing mass of hideous, veined flesh, reddish-brown in color with patches of black cancer-like cells pocketing Him.

She may have rejected me, but I shall always love her as I have done since she was so high, and I shall do my utmost to see that her gentle heart is not broken by any sneaking son of a what-not who looks like a chorus boy in a touring revue playing the small towns and cannot see anything of value without pocketing it.

Once the credit limit was exceeded, the scammer could either make the minimum payment or move on, fencing items or selling them at a discount and pocketing the profits.

I suspect a chain of pilfering—some shady European go-between picking them up for a song, forging their provenance, then fobbing them off long-distance on Adelia and pocketing the difference, judging correctly that a rich American—for so he would have tagged her—wouldn’t cotton on.

Sixty seconds earlier I'd been quietly weighing the relative merits of Indian Ivory and Rose Blush as knocker cosmetics, and here I was lying winded in an attic reeking with gunsmoke, sober men in large boots were pocketing revolvers and shouting at each other, one was hauling me to my feet and enjoining me to take it easy, and Annette was lying comatose while Madam Celeste waved a bottle of salts under her nose.

Pocketing my disappointment with as much sang froid as I could muster, I continued to beguile the time and to solace myself for my past sufferings, by as much enjoyment as could be compressed into the small space of leisure time allotted to me.

He did not relish the prospect of facing the bright dawn on the return trip, pocketing more sun block against it.