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pocket pistols

n. (plural of pocket pistol English)

Usage examples of "pocket pistols".

Then he sought out the knight who ran the Royal Cannon Foundry, Sir Peter Fairley, introduced himself as an Italian knight, and indicated his desire to obtain a brace of the lightweight pocket pistols newly developed by the justly famous gentleman-inventor.

It was cold enough to wear a greatcoat in comfort, so I wore mine, and in the right side pocket, where my prisoner couldn't reach, I put a little leaded bludgeon, and also a brace of pocket pistols.

He reached inside his coat and touched the butt of one of the pair of miniature pocket pistols he'd had specially made for him by the Haymarket gunsmith Joseph Egg.

We had been out on the lake in the motor-boat fishing all the afternoon and--well, I must admit both my uncles had had frequent recourse to 'pocket pistols,' and I remember they referred to it each time as 'bait.

Luckily, the bouncers were armed with pocket pistols, but there was still way too much lead flying around to suit Longarm.

Dazed, the mutie drew his pocket pistols and got off two rounds, when the blasters were pounded from his grasp by a horde of sec men wielding clubs.