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n. (plural of plutocrat English)

Usage examples of "plutocrats".

And when I try to remember them now, and to guess what they were, I keep seeing the pictures by George Grosz of corrupt plutocrats amidst the misery of Germany after World War One.

He fought for the ones with the most money, for companies and plutocrats, and sometimes maybe even governments.

I could have turned Valisk into the kind of nation that would have had Tranquillity’s plutocrats flocking to us in droves.

Elderly plutocrats sat on the grass next to students, waitresses shared the queue to the toilets with corporate presidents, Laymil project researchers mingled with society vacuumheads.

That mayope exchange deal could have earned me hundreds of millions, I would have become one of the plutocrats that infest this bloody habitat.

How could he Iatre bast the plutocrats when his own daughter was consorting, frolicking with the worst of them?

I know that if we win the war there will be shocking stories of British atrocities, volumes written to show the inevitability and justice of our cause, irrefutable evidence compiled to reveal the conspiracies of Jewish plutocrats, photographs of piles of bones found in mass graves in the suburbs of London.