a. Characteristic of pluralism.
adj. of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism; "a pluralistic culture"
Usage examples of "pluralistic".
Within the strict parameters of Syrian control, Lebanon has a fairly vibrant pluralistic system.
In Iraq, no one has ever attempted to create a modern pluralistic system that would be backed by the resources of the United States and its allies, and, hopefully, with the assistance of the United Nations and other international organizations that have proven instrumental elsewhere around the world.
We will need to move in with a framework for a market-style economy and a pluralistic political structure, but the Iraqis themselves must ultimately build their own system of government, choose their own leaders, and create their own economy consistent with their past, their cultural traditions, and their aspirations.
We will need to move in with a framework for a market-style economy and a pluralistic political structure, but the Iraqis themselves must ultimately build theirown system of government, choose their own leaders, and create theirown economy consistent with their past, their cultural traditions, and their aspirations.
Kesh is a pluralistic nation, with a very different history than your own Kingdom.
Such a discipline has the potential to be profoundly contemplative as well as rigorously scientific, and I believe it is the most promising, pluralistic mode of inquiry for discovering deep truths concerning consciousness and its role in the natural world.
In the meantime, some academic departments of religious studies are forums for remarkably open-minded, pluralistic, nondogmatic discussions of the nature of humanity and our relation with the rest of the universe.
The societies are pluralistic, constantly diverging in design and philosophies.
The fighting proletariat of the Communists became in such a pluralistic State also a politically neutral trade union or party.
In public the wish for further democratisation was presented exclusively as reform within the socialist system, but some people obviously believed that this should lead to the development of a pluralistic liberal democracy.
Kesh is a pluralistic nation, with a history very different from your own Kingdom.
And the Amerindian wore cowboy boots, and had one leg up over the aisle armrest with the spur lolling in pluralistic suspension.
In those days she had admired his pluralistic openness of mind, and struggled, in her kitchen, towards a parallel eclecticism, learning to cook the dosas and uttapams of South India as well as the soft meatballs of Kashmir.
We advocate a pluralistic free market economy and therefore support both communist anarchist struggles for industrial democracy and the libertarian rightist goal of small-business laissez-faire.
With very good and often noble reasons (many of which I heartily support), they point out that value ranking is a hierarchical judgment that all too often translates into social oppression and inequality, and that in today's world the more compassionate and just response is a radically egalitarian or pluralistic systema heterarchy of equal values.