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plunk down

v. set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa" [syn: plank, flump, plonk, plop, plunk, plump down, plump]

Usage examples of "plunk down".

The folks who buy those things are the same women who'll plunk down fifty crowns for a 'magic' cream to make their breasts bigger&mdash.

Who in their right mind would plunk down nearly a thousand dollars for something so ridiculous?

But once she got rolling, Judy wasn't one who stopped easily: 'The folks who buy those things are the same women who'll plunk down fifty crowns for a 'magic' cream to make their breasts bigger—.

Sure as hell whoever designed it never expected some landlocked hillbilly to plunk down umpty-ump thousand dollars for it!

Somehow the canny little cricket-man had arranged things so that he would land in this satellite, not plunk down On their planet and seventeen more citizens.

The innkeeper bustled out with a round wooden tray balanced on one hand, and proceeded to plunk down mugs before several of his customers, dropping comments into each conversation as he went.

A practical woman who preferred nice things understood it was cheaper by far to buy a length of satin or velvet and put in the time than to plunk down the cost for ready-made.

She was the kind of woman you could plunk down anywhere, in any situation and she'd find a way.