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vb. (en-past of: plummet)

Usage examples of "plummeted".

So it and he fell, Coo uttering amazing cackles as he plummeted, clutching the mechanism to his thin chest.

She twisted about in midair and threw it back to Bruenor's waiting hands, then she plummeted from sight without a word of complaint.

Down he plummeted on his windy bed, and then he fell free the last few feet to the terrace along the top chambers of the central pillar.

As if on cue to the revealĀ­ing light, his levitation spell gave out and he plummeted the twenty feet to the floor.

Dantrag's second hand came across equally fast, slipping the bridle from the lizard's mouthpiece as Berg'inyon plummeted from his seat.

He noticed that the rubble shifted and ground itself together as the building plummeted downward, grinding itself into oblivion.

Gromph, unable to move, plummeted straight down through the floor, through the flickering rooms and chamĀ­bers of Sorcere, through a vast distance into the yawning black rock below the tower, the city, the world.

He struck again and again, even as Quenthel plummeted back down to the flagstones of the plaza, screaming as gobs of the infernal rock clung to her flesh and burned.

Trees rustled and branches cracked as the gigantic creatures plummeted toward the ground, locked together in final combat.

It plummeted toward the ground, its batlike wings whipping so furiously that it seemed they would tear loose.

The massive sails plummeted down onto the fighters, burying them all beneath a blanket of heavy canvas.

Holding fast to the statue's pointed ears, he hung on for dear life as the ship plummeted into the sea.

It plummeted down like a falling star and disappeared behind the Elfmaid's low wooden rail.

Almost on cue, rain in blinding sheets plummeted until the dome over the liv ing quarters beyond the hangars looked like a water fall and the storm drains began to fill with alarming speed.

The three ships, unable to maneuver with her skill, plummeted forward.