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plumbing system

n. utility consisting of the pipes and fixtures for the distribution of water or gas in a building and for the disposal of sewage [syn: plumbing]

Usage examples of "plumbing system".

At this point, having devoted much time to detailed Pig Truck description I will elide various details concerning San Juan, its inhabitants (of various taxonomic phyla some of which I had never encountered until that night), the character-building nature of our lodgings and, in particular, their fanciful plumbing system which was a credit to the imagination, though not the hydrostatic acumen, of its anonymous creator.

He had only to express his wishes to the attorneys, and the property-management crew would turn on the power, activate the plumbing system, restore phone service, and remove the dust covers from the furniture.

My personal bus, for instance, had a surplus Greyhound toilet (with a smaller holding tank) and a microwave oven wired into the electrical system, whereas Shorty managed to fit a standard Winnebago plumbing system and stove into his, and Jim Omar, with characteristic quirkiness, built a wood-burning cookstove and a genuine antique water closet complete with pull chain into his own vehicle.

You show me a sewer system in a new community, like, that hasn't been installed yet, that nobody knows what its capacity is going to be, and I'll figure out a plumbing system for the development that'll fit it no matter what.

The plumbers know how to connect pipes in standard modular buildings, but they don't know how to set up a plumbing system from scratch.

The plumbers know how to connect pipes in standard modular buildings, but they dont know how to set up a plumbing system from scratch.

The computer flashed a curt authorisation, not wasting any of its time either, doubtless keen to get back to redesigning the Centre's plumbing system or something.

As though in reply, the wind edged up to storm level, the puddled water at his feet driven into a sea of miniature waves before it was sucked away by the plumbing system hidden in the gutters.

I didn't want to lose face by sluicing out my plumbing system all over the floor.