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plumbing fixture

n. a fixture for the distribution and use of water in a building

Plumbing fixture

A plumbing fixture is an exchangeable device which can be connected to a plumbing system to deliver and drain water.

Usage examples of "plumbing fixture".

He'd also made some other minor changes, including moving the bolt handle to the side (an idea he'd borrowed from Roger's eleven-millimeter) and machining a guide onto the rifle bolt to ensure that it followed the proper mechanical path, but the overall effect had been to take a simple plumbing fixture and use it to manufacture the most deadly weapon K'Vaern's Cove had ever seen.

Big Eyes relented, but grudgingly, and allowed herself to be shut into a plumbing fixture.

The bathroom was equipped with a plumbing fixture Clete had first seen on the island of Espiritu Santo, in the house of a French plantation owner taken over as a transient quarters.

Inside was a small corroded brass cylinder that on first glance looked like an old plumbing fixture.