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plowed through

vb. (en-pastplow through)

Usage examples of "plowed through".

The freighter hit the berm, quenching the white-hot metal as it plowed through a hundred cubic meters of earth.

He plowed through the equations, moving his lips slightly in subconscious vocalization.

Meade mounted her carriage block and craned her neck for a view of the baby, but the doctor, disregarding the mud, plowed through to the side of the carriage.

The beast shook off the spear and plowed through the beetles, snapping one in its powerful jaws and crushing the insect.

The Western Territories were damned cold and rainy, to his way of thinkinghis own ancestors had plowed through them on their way to the southern side of the Midworld Sea, and he was glad of it.

In a silent explosion of wood, the vehicle plowed through the gate and bounced onto the road proper.

A shock wave plowed through space, where it would dissipate over thousands of years.