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n. (context phonetics English) Pronunciation of a consonant that is characterised by completely blocking the flow of air through the mouth.


n. the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant [syn: explosion]

Usage examples of "plosion".

STAR ORBS L tilde SEVEN Thousands of watching eyes saw the distant explosion and reacted.

A storm of sensations drew her into its vortex, everything centering lower and lower, the fusion culminating in a glorious explosion that sent her soaring, for a few shattering seconds trans ported to a purely physical plateau where all was sensation.

The destruction of so many baradium-filled weapons would cause an ex- plosion that might bring down the entire fortress.

The chorus of agreement was interrupted by an ex- 447 plosion on the rim of the dugout which blew the lizard into nothing and sent the four soldiers diving for the machine gun and their rifles.