- redirect Waterline#Plimsoll
Usage examples of "plimsoll mark".
As she slid into position and threw out her lines, he saw clearly the Plimsoll mark on her bow.
The Plimsoll mark was a series of measurements in feet, running from the maximum depth at which the ship should lie in the water down toward the keel.
Loaded with 11,000 pounds of manganese ore, s is ricing a good foot lower than her Plimsoll mark on her last voyage.
Her hull was settled deep in the water a good foot over her Plimsoll mark.
Loaded with 11,000 pounds of manganese ore, s isricing a good foot lower than her Plimsoll mark on her last voyage.
Uncle Tom combines a passionate love of food with a singular difficulty in digesting it, and Anatole is the only chef yet discovered who can fill him up to the Plimsoll mark without causing the worst sort of upheaval in his gastric juices.
Its brilliant light showed us plates pitted deep with rust and a weed-grown Plimsoll mark high above the water.