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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pley \Pley\, v. & n. See Play. [Obs.]


Pley \Pley\, a. Full See Plein. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "pley".

And after soper pleyen he bigan, And spak of myrthe amonges othere thynges, Whan that we hadde maad our rekenynges, And seyde thus: "Now lordynges, trewely, Ye been to me right welcome hertely, For by my trouthe, if that I shal nat lye, I saugh nat this yeer so myrie a compaignye Atones in this herberwe, as is now.

They leden hir by ryveres and by welles, And eek in othere places delitables, They dauncen, and they pleyen at ches and tables.

Lordes may fynden oother maner pley Honeste ynough, to dryve the day awey.