Pleurothyrium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lauraceae. Many of the species were first described in a 1993 revision of the genus.
Species include:
- Pleurothyrium amapaense
- Pleurothyrium amplifolium
- Pleurothyrium bifidum
- Pleurothyrium cinereum
- Pleurothyrium costanense
- Pleurothyrium cuneifolium
- Pleurothyrium giganthum van der Werff
- Pleurothyrium glabrifolium
- Pleurothyrium glabritepalum
- Pleurothyrium golfodulcense
- Pleurothyrium guindonii
- Pleurothyrium hexaglandulosum van der Werff
- Pleurothyrium immersum
- Pleurothyrium insigne
- Pleurothyrium intermedium
- Pleurothyrium maximum
- Pleurothyrium nobile
- Pleurothyrium oblongum
- Pleurothyrium obovatum van der Werff
- Pleurothyrium palmanum
- Pleurothyrium panurense
- Pleurothyrium parviflorum
- Pleurothyrium pauciflorum
- Pleurothyrium pilosum
- Pleurothyrium poeppigii
- Pleurothyrium racemosum
- Pleurothyrium roberto-andinoi C. Nelson
- Pleurothyrium steyermarkianum
- Pleurothyrium synandrum
- Pleurothyrium tomentellum
- Pleurothyrium tomiwahlii
- Pleurothyrium trianae
- Pleurothyrium undulatum
- Pleurothyrium vasquezii
- Pleurothyrium westphalii
- Pleurothyrium williamsii