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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Plenishing \Plen"ish*ing\, n. Household furniture; stock. [Scot.]


n. (context Scotland English) household furniture; stock vb. (present participle of plenish English)

Usage examples of "plenishing".

For though they had abundance of rich plenishing, and gay raiment, and good weapons and armour, howbeit of strange and uncouth fashion, yet he deemed when he looked on them that they would scarce have the souls of men in their bodies, but that they were utterly vile through and through, like the shapes of an evil dream.

I cried to let house and plenishing burn, and follow the reivers to recover Grace, and Earnscliff and his men were ower the Fell within three hours after the deed.

Danielle welcomed the distraction, excused herself and moved towards a waiter with the intention of re plenishing her drink.

For she found the manse rookit and herrit, and there was such a supply of plenishing of all sort wanted, that I thought myself ruined and undone by her care and industry.

The merchant in the Pleasance of Edinburgh had given his son a better plenishing than fell to the usual lot of ministers, for there were pewter plates and a knife and a fork for each guest.

Nest are quiet from hoarseness, I will bid Jock Dodds carry certain plenishing to Paradise.

Ralph, that as goodly as was the fashion of the building of that house, yet the hangings and beds, and stools, and chairs, and other plenishing were no richer or better than might be seen in the hostelry of any good town.

Therewith he brought them into the house, and into a chamber, the plenishing whereof was both scanty and rude.

The arrangement seemed equitable in view of her substantial contribution to the plenishing of the house.