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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pleasing \Pleas"ing\, a. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; causing agreeable emotion; agreeable; delightful; as, a pleasing prospect; pleasing manners. ``Pleasing harmony.''
--Shak. ``Pleasing features.''
--Macaulay. -- Pleas"ing*ly, adv. -- Pleas"ing*ness, n.

Syn: Gratifying; delightful; agreeable. See Pleasant.


adv. In a pleasing manner; agreeably; favourably.


adv. in a pleasing manner; "the room was pleasingly large"

Usage examples of "pleasingly".

Morning sun filtered into the loft pleasingly though rain clouds were building.

In the above incidents, those gentle moralizers who find the serious philosophy of the music dramas too terrifying for them, may allegorize pleasingly on the philtre as the maddening chalice of passion which, once tasted, causes the respectable man to forget his lawfully wedded wife and plunge into adventures which eventually lead him headlong to destruction.

Sitting by the piano equipped with his sketching pad, extracting mana from soft lead, he followed the bar exercises with swift eyes and was soon able to transfer the various positions to paper more pleasingly than the boys and girls, some of them members of the child ballet at the Stadttheater, could perform them at the bar.

Pleasingly vegetal, Gyokuro offers a full green flavor with a slightly sweet finish.

I say, having hearkened to and perused the works of such-like pelting, paltry prosers and poets wherein sweep of sword and lunge o' lance is accompted of worthier repute than the penning of dainty distich and pretty poesies pleasingly passionate.

Lindsay is pleasingly, Gerberishly plump, and former bodybuilding enthusiast Dusty is eating my family out of house and home.

A psychologist would say that your group identification is low and your cyclothymia practically a minus quantity, while your ergic tension is pleasingly high.

Sitting by the piano equipped with his sketching pad, extracting mana from soft lead, he followed the bar exercises with swift eyes and was soon able to transfer the various positions to paper more pleasingly than the boys and girls, some of them members of the child ballet at the Stadttheater, could perform them at the bar.

She was wearing tennis clothes: a very brief skirt which showed most of her magnificent legs, a thin white blouse that pleasingly contained her absolutely perfect bosom, white socks, and tennis shoes.

The white rope wrapped tightly around her ankles and wrists contrasted pleasingly with her deeply tanned skin.