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n. 1 Work that is very easy or enjoyable. 2 (context UK English) A branch of childcare involving the supervision and development of play.


Playwork is the work of creating and maintaining spaces for children to play.

The theory and practice of playwork recognises that children's play should ideally be 'freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated.'

It is the job of a playworker to ensure that the broadest possible range of play types can be engaged in or accessed by children, and to observe, reflect and analyse the play that is happening and select a mode of intervention or make a change to the play space if needed.

The profession has its roots in the early adventure playground movement and can now be studied to degree and masters levels.

Playwork should not be confused with childcare.

A qualification in playwork relates to working with school aged children and should not be confused with qualifications more suited to work in early years or youth work. Playworkers in the UK can now study for a foundation degree in playwork at various higher education establishments.