vb. (context idiomatic US English) To play truant; to avoid (informally: skip) school, work, or other duties (stay away from these without permission or an excuse); to skive (''UK'').
v. play truant from work or school; "The boy often plays hooky" [syn: bunk off]
Usage examples of "play hooky".
Its been a while since Ive done any fishing, so I decided to play hooky from work this afternoon.
The street had to be roped off, the policemen had to keep the crowds back and children had to play hooky from school when there was a piano moving.
It seemed to satisfy everybody's needs, even Nana Mama's, who encouraged us all to play hooky.
After our little romantic interludequite pleasant, thanks for askingshe confessed her ruse, and also that he was going to play hooky after the first few hours and should be arriving any minute, so let's get dressed, okay?
This could be really unique opportunity to play hooky, just a little bit.
This could be really unique opportunity to play hooky, just a little bit Mum and Dad were not going to be checking the tutor to see how her lessons were going —.
Maybe, he guessed, it was part of the rules in the Independency that a man in Primlay's position could play hooky from his job if he liked.
Much as she would have liked to play hooky, especially in view of the traffic she saw crawling toward L'É.