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n. 1 (plural of platform English) 2 (context plurale tantum English) platform shoes.


n. a woman's shoe with a very high thick sole [syn: chopine, chopines, platform]

Usage examples of "platforms".

Roman siege towers, naturally, but fully capable of wreaking havoc when they were close enough to serve as platforms for Nervii spears.

At the base of the cliff, where heavy-duty elevators lowered the slabs of rock, a mag-lev spur delivered cargo platforms that hauled the rock to another section of the village, where the granite was cut, shaped, and polished into usable pieces.

All along the Roman fighting platforms the Roman soldiers were cheering, cheering, cheering.

Six huge platforms, like the ones used to bring up planes on an aircraft carrier except many times the size, were arranged side by side.

As the platforms moved they also released blasts of chill metallic air that cut through the hot desert afternoon like the breath of some cold alien.

Jeeps and armored cars were driven off the platforms and parked in rows on the other side of the giant manmade cavern.

The throne itself sat atop three square, white marble platforms that served as steps.

Shota gracefully descended the three platforms, never taking her eyes from Richard.

Musicians stood on open, grass-roofed platforms, swaying as they drew paddles up and down the carved ripples on the boldas, sending the haunting strains out over the surrounding flat grassland.

When they had excavated the lower floor, wide platforms of dirt were left just below ground level along both sides and braced with strategically placed mammoth bones.

More mammoth bones were placed across the top of the platforms, filled in with matted grass between the spaces, to raise and support pallets of soft leather stuffed with mammoth wool and other downy materials.

With several layers of furs added, the dirt platforms became warm and comfortable beds or couches.

People were talking and laughing as they found places on platforms or on furs or mats on the floor.

Once the packages and bundles were piled on one of the empty bed platforms and the drapes closed, Ayla crawled into the private, enclosed space, lit three stone lamps and spaced them for good lighting, and there examined and arranged the gifts she had brought.

He had found it was not as warm on the floor in the open area of the hearth as it was on the enclosed sleeping platforms, and he slept in his indoor clothes, which left them rumpled.