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plastic surgeons

n. (plastic surgeon English)

Usage examples of "plastic surgeons".

It would have to be one of the older clones, of course, for verisimilitude, but the plastic surgeons had done a remarkable preliminary job.

Elton had availed herself of the plastic surgeons to transplant some of her gluteus maximus to her pectoral area.

She knew that plastic surgeons had rebuilt his shattered face, and she wondered about the changes she would see when the bandages were completely gone and she was able to truly see him for the first time.

With a combination of good genes and even better plastic surgeons, the society here had banished age just as surely as God had banished Adam and Eve from Eden.

And knowing that it is possible to remake some faces so that they look alike, is this something that plastic surgeons do, I mean deliberately remake someone to look like someone else?

Lumpish, pocked, wart-stippled, darkened by a permanent beard shadow with a bluish cast, this countenance was beyond the powers of redemption possessed by the best plastic surgeons in the world, which was no doubt why Nolly applied his resources strictly to dental work.

But Arty sulked over every ten-cent Baptist, sneered at the plastic surgeons, turned green at ads for weight-loss clinics and alcoholism programs.

Maybe someday there will be special plastic surgeons who can do brain jobs too, make some young kid an Einstein, some girl an Eleanor Roosevelt.

Medical posters lined the walls: a picture primer for plastic surgeons, facial reconstruction in the style of Thomas Hart Benton.

Did the Vatican have plastic surgeons and computer hackers at its disposal?

And what seemed to be body parts were prosthetic devices similar to what plastic surgeons used to reconstruct damaged faces.