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Plasmolifting (Plazmolifting) - is commercial name of the method of injection of blood plasma with concentrated platelets. Referred to as an autologous blood therapy, a person’s own platelets containing growth factors are used to stimulate healing of different tissues. [1] This technique can be effectively applied in various fields of medicine, particularly in dental surgery for implantation of the teeth. Plasmolifting accelerates osteogenesis of the bone and the regeneration of gum tissue. The above properties Plasmolifting effectively used in the treatment of periodontal disease. In cosmetology Plasmolifting is used for skin rejuvenation, improvement of the skin and in treatment of acne. The technique is effective for treating hair loss. Platelet-rich plasma stimulate hair growth, promotes development of new blood vessels.

The developers of the technique of Plasmolifting Russian doctors: Professor, MD Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov and Ph.D. Roman Feliksovich Zarudy.