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plant hormones

n. (plant hormone English)

Usage examples of "plant hormones".

There are also plant hormones that accelerate actual cell division in otherwise mature and nondividing cells.

But by a supreme irony, the crates were later locked in the Museum's secure area, forcing the creature to go after the closest substitute to the plant hormones it could find: the hypothalamus of the human brain.

But by a supreme irony, the crates were later locked in the Museums secure area, forcing the creature to go after the closest substitute to the plant hormones it could find: the hypothalamus of the human brain.

The fact that we cannot now produce a detailed understanding of, say, altered states of consciousness in terms of brain chemistry no more implies the existence of a `spirit world' than a sunflower following the Sun in its course across the sky was evidence of a literal miracle before we knew about phototropism and plant hormones.

The fact that we cannot now produce a detailed understanding of, say, altered states of consciousness in terms of brain chemistry no more implies the existence of a 'spirit world' than a sunflower following the Sun in its course across the sky was evidence of a literal miracle before we knew about phototropism and plant hormones.